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#蹒跚的是什么意思、发音和在线翻译| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1. 有个蹒跚学步的小不点儿突然一晃一摇地颠进院子里。    A tiny staggerer came suddenly rocking into the yard.

2. 蹒跚的是什么意思

2. 本片结尾,东尼离开了那班不值一提的酒肉朋友,步履蹒跚地迈出了登陆曼哈顿和开启对女性新视角的第一步,影片的矛盾亦就此解决。    By the end of the film, Tony has left his worthless friends behind and made the first faltering steps to Manhattan and to a more enlightened view of women, and so the themes have been resolved.

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3. 我想要成为的是可以任意翱翔天际的凤凰,而不是一只只能在母亲的照料下,才能蹒跚前行的雏鸟。    I want to be hovering in the sky can be the Phoenix, not only in a mother's care in order to stagger the chicks before.

4. 我们往其它人望着的方向看,看到了一个气宇轩昂的鸭妈妈在路中间悠然地散着步,她后面跟着九个蹒跚学步的小鸭子。    Looking in the same direction as everyone else, we saw a mother duck, sleek and proud, promenading up the middle of the road, nine little ducklings waddling after her.

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5. 他低下头抵挡住风,蹒跚的走向其中一颗大石头。    Head down against the wind, the talon leader lurched over to one of the monoliths.

6. 蹒跚的

6. 部分2块陆地,之后简短的暂停,和立刻我们在跟随更好斗的和蹒跚模式穿过相同的云的综合者层次。    Part Two lands, after a brief pause, and soon we're following a more aggressive and staggered pattern through the same cloud of synth layers.

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7. 对于给蹒跚学步,对外界事物充满了好奇,不能专心用餐的孩子喂食一直是令很多家长烦恼的事情。    The baby can`t attend to enjoy his meal when they are learning steps, because they are interested in all the things around them.

8. 企图引导主审处罚对方,如被轻触击到脸部时,就掩著脸,步蹒跚,或者无意地的倒下,主审必须给予警告,甚至处罚。    Their opponent, such as holding the face and stagge ring about, or fallingunnecessarily, will be immediately warned or penalized themselves.

9. 是这个明确的目的和坚定的信念支撑着企鹅,在爆风雨中步履蹒跚地前行,从未却步,从未迷茫。    The explicit purposeand firm faith make them shamble towards slowly in snowstorm. Never stopnever confused.

10. 长久以来我们的世界似乎在接踵而至的危机中蹒跚前行中东的暴力事件非洲的疾病全球范围食品和燃料价格的飙升以及气候变化的威胁。    Too often, our world seems to careen from one crisis to the next: violence in the Middle East, disease in Africa, soaring food and fuel prices around the globe, the threat of climate change.

11. 蹒跚的的解释

11. 就当全城的信徒开始作早拜课时,脚戴镣铐、步伐蹒跚的他被领向绞刑架。他对伊拉克人民犯下的罪行让他付出了这样的代价。      Just as the dawn call to prayer was beginning over the city, he was led, shambling in leg irons, to the scaffold to pay the price for his crimes against the Iraqi people.

12. 强烈节奏的打板+一颗电池+一支原子笔与吉他的摩擦开始了我的想像。2005年,十九世纪,咸咸海风,似人似鬼的频率,踱步蹒跚,儿童嬉戏,墙上的屎,下课时间,一丝光线下的飞蝇      The imagination starts with the beat, a battery, a pen and the friction of the guitar. The year of 2005, the 19th century, salty sea breeze, the ghost-like frequency, the staggering steps, children`s play, and flies buzzing in the faint light...

13. 一位老人来到这里,尽管步履似乎有些蹒跚,但精神抖擞却不减当年,谁说我百皱的胸襟再经历不起几度夕阳的尽染,不信我如霜的鬓角再迎接不了几度劲风的挑战,在这夕阳已度绯红的古稀年华,我实现了青年时期所立下的誓言,不到长城非好汉!      An elderly person comes here, even though his footsteps seem a bit titubation, his elan is no less than those years, Who says with my ever crinkled mind I can not afford to do with a few sunset again. I do not believe with the frost-like hair on the temples I can not meet the challenges several times by the strong wind; in the 70 years of life as the several times crimson sunset. I have realized my vow that made in youth, He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man!

14. 那匹筋疲力竭的老马已经对鞭子和缰绳毫无反应了,它只不过拖着四条腿在蹒跚地行走,有时踢着了小石块就颠踬或摇晃一下,几乎跌倒。      The exhausted horse did not respond to the whip or reins but shambled on, dragging his feet, stumbling on small rocks and swaying as if ready to fall to his knees.

15. 每天黄昏,母亲都背着重重的袋子蹒跚而归。      Every dusk, mother would waddles home with a heavy sack on her back.

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16. 两翼伸展,这adélie企鹅蹒跚而行通过南极的殖民地。      Wings spread, this Adélie penguin waddles through an Antarctic colony.

17. 即使当我保姆身边蹒跚起步,呀呀学语的时候,我都会怀念那些我在手推车里,无须走路的好日子。      Even while I trotted prattling by my nurse`s side I regretted the good old days when I had, and wasn`t, a perambulator.

18. 使我不再像那个蹒跚的老太婆。      As if I were a doddering old relic.

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19. 在这么一间布满灰尘和阴影的房子里病倒了,只有一个蹒跚的黑奴服侍。      Fell ill in the house filled with dust and shadows, with only a doddering Negro man to wait on her.

20. 他们宰了众多的肥羊,腿步蹒跚的弯角壮牛,还有成群的肥猪,挂着晶亮的油膘,挑上叉尖,架上赫法伊斯托斯的柴火,烧去畜毛。大家伙开怀痛饮,喝干了老人收藏的一坛坛美酒。      My cousins and clansmen came about me, and pressed me sorely to remain; many a sheep and many an ox did they slaughter, and many a fat hog did they set down to roast before the fire; many a jar, too, did they broach of my father's wine.




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